Japanese girl looking for English-speaking friends in J


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  • 37 yr Female
  • Hokkaido Japan
  • Views: 11996

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Japanese girl looking for English-speaking friends in J


About Me

Hi! I'm Miki, and I'm a 28 year-old Japanese girl looking for English-speaking friends in Japan.

I studied English in high school and college, but after graduating from college, I've rarely had chances to speak English so I want to practice speaking again. If you want to learn Japanese, I can teach you, so we can both practice. :)

I am interested in art (I like going to museums), music (indie pop/rock), movies (especially 80s movies!!), fashion (I work at a clothing store now), photography (I like Instagram/normal camera shooting both!), traveling (in Japan/around the world both), and exploring the cities (looking for good coffee shops). I love anything creative and fun!!!

Anyway, if you are interested, feel free to contact me! Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you! :)

  • I am Seeking a: Man
    Seeking: Friends
    Ethnicity: Asian
  • Marital Status: Single
    Education: Some college
    Occupation: service

My Interests:

Arts, Music, Photographs,

I am looking for

Photo Gallery (1)


  • Herasei

    Hello :) I'm Bas from Seoul, Korea. I'm interested in Japanese language! Nice to meet u and hope to be language partners :) ..and I hope to hear from you soon!

  • 846452374

    I hope you are having a wonderful day! You seem so cheerful, I would love to talk to you sometime!

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