oldy but goldy, mostly slow and steady these days


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  • 69 yr Male
  • Brisbane Australia
  • Views: 1663

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oldy but goldy, mostly slow and steady these days


About Me

Able. Can put myself in most situations and get by. Confident will try almost anything. Strong and loud some days, soft and sentimental other days. Too generous for my own good. Have been lucky in life. Although I have little now, married 31years, 3 sons, had half a dozen houses over the years, played professional soccer in my early twenty's, have been to a dozen countries. Currently own and live on old 45 foot motor boat while I am renovating it.

  • I am Seeking a: Woman
    Seeking: Long-term
    Ethnicity: Caucasian
  • Marital Status: Divorced
    Education: High school
    Occupation: retired/pensioner

I am looking for

A mature woman to be my partner, lover, friend and wife. Someone independent who is not afraid to be themselves. Someone who wants me not needs me.

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